Benefit: 80% coverage of Basic, Endodontic and Periodontal services with 50% coverage of Major services. There is no deductible. Benefits are based on your Province’s current Dental Fee Guide and have a $1,500 maximum per person per calendar year. This option includes a 24-month Survivor’s Benefit.

Covered Procedures:

Basic services covered at 80%:

  • Recall Exams (Check-up) – 2 times per calendar year
  • Complete Exams (Dental history) – once every 3 years
  • Tests, lab exams, treatment planning
  • Fluoride treatments – 2 times per calendar year
  • Scaling
  • Polishing – 1 unit, 2 times per year
  • X-rays including 1 full mouth series and panoramic film every 24 months – Consultations / Pit and fissure sealants
  • Space maintainers for children
  • Fillings (nonbonded, composite, acrylic & silicate)
  • Extractions of impacted teeth and simple extractions
  • Oral surgery and general anaesthesia
  • Relining and rebasing of dentures
  • Repairs to dentures / fixed bridgework

Endodontic and Periodontal servicescovered at 80%:

  • treatment of disease of the pulp chamber and canals of the teeth (root canals, pulpectomy)
  • treatment of the gums and bones supporting teeth (major scaling, periodontic surgery & appliances) – additional scaling units (to a reasonable and customary amount)

Major services covered at 50%: – Crowns

  • Replacement of crowns (existing crown must be 4years old)
  • Fixed bridgework (at least one natural tooth extraction while insured) – Replacement of bridgework (existing bridge must be 5 years old)
  • Dentures (at least one natural tooth extraction while insured)
  • Replacement of dentures (existing dentures must be 5 years old)
  • Denture adjustments (once every 6 months)

24-month Survivor Benefit for a deceased employee’s insured spouse and dependents.

This summary provides a general overview of the key features of your Dental Benefits. Some restrictions may apply.